“Everyone must come back to themselves” was a line in Kuruluş: Osman. Konur, one of the characters spoke with his brother. His brother was made into a mankurt by the mongols. A mankurt is someone who was brainwashed through constant drugs etc in order to forget themselves. The end result would be the person would think they were Mongols and have the ability to kill even their own parents since they have forgotten who they are. Konur was trying to have his brother remember his past, their parents, and his Turkish culture; to remind him he wasn’t a Mongol.
Something about this line stuck to me. “Everyone must come back to themselves.” Isn’t that the same with us? We might not be ‘mankurts’ in the way the show had it. But how many of us, including myself, have FORGOTTEN who we are? We have culture spitting all these images of who we are to be, what we are to look like, which behavior or thinking is acceptable. We have become ‘mankurts,” forgetting who God has called us to be. We’ve settled on what the world uses to define us: beauty, achievements, goals, desires, “norms.” For me, social media was driving my desires and I was in a constant cycle of comparing myself to others, feeling less than if I did not have what I saw other women had. I didn’t feel good enough or pretty enough and sadly I have felt this way for decades. How sad is that? But it’s the truth. How sad it is that we were created to be U N I Q U E, S T A N D O U T and yet we (including myself) want to blend in. How sad is it when the Bible says “I praise you oh Lord for I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalm 139:14 OR “How precious are your thoughts about ME, O God. They cannot be numbered!” Psalm 139:17. To think the God of the universe thinks so highly of ME?!
Now it’s time for us to COME BACK to ourselves. The only way to do that is to connect with the one who created us—-God. May we enter into our own journey of finding our T R U E identities and no longer try to be carbon copies of the world. This is where I am now. I’m grateful I’m in this process of pruning with Jesus by my side. He loves YOU. You are N O T a mistake. You ARE F E A R F U L L Y and W O N D E R F U L L Y made. -Godinista (9/12/2020)

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